About company
The power of experience
Marcopol is a leading European manufacturer and distributor of a wide range of screws and bolts and a distributor of the widest offer of fasteners, construction chemicals and fastening techniques for many industries.
In addition to its products, the company provides a range of logistics solutions. Marcopol also offers an extensive package of additional services taking into account the specific needs of the Customer, such as labelling, packaging and application of special coatings. We provide services to industrial, investment as well as commercial sectors.
Thanks to advanced control processes Marcopol products meet all quality requirements and have all the required European certificates. Marcopol supports its Customers in optimising their final procurement costs. For 38 years, customer satisfaction has been the company’s main objective. Marcopol is a brand that connects.

About company
Our storyProduction
Own production facilitiesIn our production process we combine 36 years of experience with modern technologies. We own two production plants: in Chwaszczyno and Kartoszyno. Our production range includes standard and special screws, bolts, pins and rivets.
We can produce even small batches of fasteners and non-standard products in order to meet the expectations of the Customers as much as possible. Our team of specialists provides support in choosing optimal solutions for our Customers. The strength of our production is our speed and flexibility in fulfilling orders.
Modern logistics solutionsOne of the most important elements of our company’s development strategy is the introduction of modern logistic solutions and ensuring continuity of supplies.
Comprehensive order processing, fast delivery and safety in transport are our priority.
We have 30,000 products as part of standing offer in our 10,660m2 high storage warehouse with over 31,000 pallet spaces.
Over 80% of our orders reach our Customers in Poland within 24hours. Shipments are made by a parcel and pallet system with double inspection carried out at the exit.
We care about quality and the environmentAn important aspect of the company’s strategy is to ensure quality and operate in a sustainable manner, while respecting the legally defined environmental conditions and adhering to the principles of corporate social responsibility.
Application of our standards is confirmed by the Quality Management System that has been implemented since 2002 and is compliant with ISO 9001:2015.
We have an ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System and an ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System as well.
We care about ourselves and othersSince the beginning of our existence, we have been involved in various social campaigns. We help numerous non-profit organisations, foundations, hospitals and hospices.
Marcopol is also a sponsor of numerous cultural events and performances for children in hospitals in the Pomeranian Province. We also provided financial support to the “Summer Stage” of the Municipal Theatre named after Witold Gombrowicz in Gdynia, Orłowo. We sponsor sports events, such as the Amber Run, equestrian competitions and football games. Recently we have adopted Wiki, an elephant from the Zoo in Gdańsk.
We have granted our support to the following foundations and institutions:
- Serce Dzieciom na Rzecz Dzieci Pokrzywdzonych przez Los
- OTOZ Animals Dom dziecka w Bielkówku
- Serce Dziecku
- Szpital Morski im. PCK w Gdyni za akcję Mikołajkową
- Helios – Projekt Na Zdrowie
- Zdążyć z Pomocą
- Patmos
- Pomóż i Ty
- Wróć – Fundacja Pomocy Dzieciom Poszkodowanym w Wypadkach Komunikacyjnych
- Fundacja na rzecz Pomocy Dzieciom z Grodzieńszczyzny
- Fundacja Pomocy Szkołom Polskim na Wschodzie
- Fundacja Tara – Pierwsze w Polsce schronisko dla koni
- Dom dziecka w Bielkówku
Our values
Our work is based on jointly developed valuesIn our everyday work, we are supported not only by our system of values but also by the code of ethics.